What is it about

Welcome to our blogspot,us the Riverside and Deepsea Anglers Team or known as the R.D.A Team. Will update this blog with our activities especially fishing and will try to promote sportfishing in Brunei. Last but not least "When you know us,we will fish together".

R.D.A Team

"We are fisherman for life, We will always be fisherman, And its not something we do, It is who we are, Fishing is not an escape, Its where we belong, Where we are suppose to be, And its not a place, But a life long journey, It is a passage our father showed us, And that we will show others, When you understand all of this, You will know us, And we will fish together. . ."

R.D.A Fishing trip

Name : Rudz
Catch : Tebana
Berat : 2kgs
Teknik : Bottom
Rod and Reel : yg 'ehem' lh

Well yes this is an update to our 'not so successful trip',the crew that time was me myself,rudz and Lex. . .it was a big disappointment but for rudz (kalok tu buii ) wahahahaha jgn mrh. . .well we caught some other few fishes tho. . .though luck. . .hope more lucky next tym

Chow. .


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