What is it about

Welcome to our blogspot,us the Riverside and Deepsea Anglers Team or known as the R.D.A Team. Will update this blog with our activities especially fishing and will try to promote sportfishing in Brunei. Last but not least "When you know us,we will fish together".

R.D.A Team

"We are fisherman for life, We will always be fisherman, And its not something we do, It is who we are, Fishing is not an escape, Its where we belong, Where we are suppose to be, And its not a place, But a life long journey, It is a passage our father showed us, And that we will show others, When you understand all of this, You will know us, And we will fish together. . ."

Liga Hoki kebangsaan is back!!!

Hye hye hye. . .the National Hockey League is back!!! ehehe well i dint know much tho abt it hahahaha well as usual i tink ada 7 teams yg compete for the guy's tournament then i duno abt d.girls plng. . .hehe manis kn?hehehe. . .owh well me myself gona play for one of the team jua so wish me luck guys and girls. . .hmmm tad after the opening ceremony (which i kinda missd :P cz ada hal² yg tidak dpt d.elakkn :P) anyhow. . .wat i heard d.ceremony went well tho apa kata kitani 'bejalan dengan lancar'. . .so i went there at abt hmmmm i dun realy rmembr bt kira d.opening match between Mtssr Vs Tag Master(UBD+ITB) still ON. .bt then yg penting yes wat i saw rh scoreboard really² unblieveable Mtssr leading 2-0 yo!! (bakas team ku tu ;P) well evntually dey won 5-0 so a big win for Mtssr,congratez mate!!! then the nxt match was between MS ABDB 'C' Vs Lun Bawang. . .its was one heck of a match really. . .ahirnya drng draw ja plng ehehe. . .bt it was fun tho. . .so to u guys yg intrested kn liat hockey. . .will post d.schedule nant ok?hehehe HOCKEY FOREVER!!!! and and fishing too :P


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